How to Survive Wedding Season Gluten Free

How to Survive Wedding Season Gluten Free

Weddings are a joyous occasion that here on the West Coast typically involve being outside and eating. They are an amazing celebration but can also be stressful for those with Celiac Disease, Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity or other food allergies. I just had the honor of being in my best friends wedding this past July and since its wedding season, I thought I would share some tips I learned on how to survive wedding season while on a 100% Gluten Free diet.

The ceremony site within the Redwood Grove

There are two approaches to surviving wedding season while Gluten Free, bringing your own food or calling the catering company.


This is the approach that I personally take with weddings. The risk of getting sick is too high for me to enjoy the meal so I feel safer just bringing my own food. This past wedding weekend, we car camped leading up to the wedding so I brought Wild Zora backpacking meals for the camping portion.

The first step in my approach is to see what Gluten Free Restaurants are around that have food that I can possibly bring to eat for the wedding events (both rehearsal and day of). I did research about a month prior by posting in the towns Celiac Facebook group for ideas. I also looked up restaurants on the FindMeGlutenFree App. In this case, I was able to find a bakery, that I could pick up sandwiches from so that I had food to eat for the rehearsal and the wedding. I kept them in the fridge at the Airbnb until my partner arrived and brought them with him. If you need to keep the food with you the whole time, I would suggest packing them in a cooler bag.

My partner & I sneaking away to take a photo during dinner.

The second step is to pack snacks, I brought this cooler bag to the wedding to put all my food in. I bought food at a local grocery store and made veggie wraps and wrapped them in foil. I also brought crackers and fruit to snack on as well.

Step three, is to figure out where you are going to be sitting at the wedding. Ask the bride or groom who you will be sitting with at the table. I always feel more comfortable explaining why I am eating different food, when that comes up, if I know who I am talking to. Also, its most likely that you are going to be seated with friends or family that you know and that love you so it usually is not as difficult to explain your situation. Most people are asking because they love you, not because they want to make you stand out.

Option 2: Contact the Catering Company

Another option is to find out who the catering company is for the reception and reach out to them to request a Gluten Free Meal. Sometimes catering companies are able to accommodate, it just depends on the situation and the company. I would reach out to the company directly and explain your needs about a month prior to the event. I would always bring snacks as well just in case so that you do not go hungry the day of if something goes wrong.

The view of the hills surrounding the venue

Lastly remember that dinner is only one part of the wedding. Once the speeches start you are in the clear and no one will care about what you are eating. It’s all about remembering why you are their in the first place, to share in love & celebration of the friends and family you love, and then it’s time for the dancing (everyone’s favorite part anyways).

Santa Cruz, CA- The Coastal Town where the Wedding Took Place.